What role did the media play, both positively and negatively in the West Memphis 3 case?
The media shed light and created dark spots on the West Memphis 3 case. Negatively, the media portrays an ideal of demonic satanic people, going along with the media literacy concept of media messages affect our thoughts, attitudes and actions. The people of Arkansas had the idea that Damien Echols looks like the "typical" satanist. They thought the murder was a satanic cult murder. Wearing all black and shutting himself out Damien made himself the perfect target indirectly and his friends happened to be drawn in as well. The media gave Arkansas citizens these ideas, they went merely by the look of this 18 year old boy. The boys were wrongly convicted of a murder because people assumed that they were involved in satanic rituals based on looks.
Positively, the media gave this case attention. It showed people the injustice that was actually occurring. People started to get involved in this case, protesting for the freeing of these innocent boys. Detectives started looking into new evidence in the case, none of which pointed back to ANY convicted boy. Without the media these people would have never been notified. Damien would have never met the love of his life. The boys would have never been freed, and Damien Echols would just be a name on a tomb stone of a convicted murder. Now, the new suspect Terry Hobbs has been put into the spot light hopefully to be investigated.
The media produced by this case has also got people to start thinking. How many people does this actually happen to? Why can't these boys be let go of the charges instead of being "guilty"? Research is still being done on the WM3 case and on other cases similar to it. Organizations have come into the limelight to help wrongly accused prisoners. These three boys, now men, have to walk around everyday with this weight on their shoulders. When will it end? When will our justice system finally stop being idiotic?